Monday, July 10, 2017


That is what happens when I try to organize my fabric. I've got fabric - oh, I've got fabric! I'm aware of all the organization systems and have read about each but when it comes down to organizing my own, I'm just befuddled. 

I'm ok as long as I am just working with plain old solid fabric or fabric I don't like.  But if I come across something that has a sentimental connection or that I forgot I had or that is exceptionally beautiful - I'll want to put it off to the side so I don't forget about it.  Consequently, I have numerous piles and nothing is organized. 

Now I've found mouse droppings in my sewing room. This means that I will be forced to go through all of my fabric and wash it.  Maybe as I'm folding it and putting it away, I'll manage to organize it in some sensible order. It would be so nice not to have to search through absolutely everything for that piece of fabric I know I have.  Only to not find it, purchase something else, and then find the fabric I was looking for when I no longer need it!

Friday, June 23, 2017


While searching for a restroom this morning, I noticed the Civil Collection room in Pond Lab.  Years ago when I had the opportunity to study history - was required to do so, in fact - I hated history.  Something happened over the past 30+ years and I've developed an interest in the civil war time period.  I give no small credit for this interest to Jennifer Chiaverini's book series of the Elmcreek Quilters including the Runaway Quilt, The Sugar Camp Quilt, The Lost Quilter and subsequent books, Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker and Christmas Bells. 

I love the stories of quilts along the underground railroad, the Gees Bend quilters and such. Last year, I had the luck of attending a quilting retreat in bed and breakfast which back in the day, hid runaway slaves.