Friday, September 23, 2022

My projects

I totally forgot about this blog! I know that I started it because I only wanted it to focus on quilty-related things.  I'm nearing retirement - 90 days - but who is counting :)  Words cannot express how excited I am to know that I will be able to focus my time on what I love: quilts and fabrics!  I've already re-joined the local quilt guild and it is an absolute joy to spend time with others who share my love of all things quilts.  I'll be rejoining quilts of valor and I'm so excited! 

Today is a beautiful fall day - the universe knew that central PA needed this and it delivered! I've been thinking a lot about what makes me happy because I'm not retiring because I don't want to work, I'm retiring because now I want to focus on my true passion and what I love! I am making every day a special day. I'm living for the moment and it feels really, really good.